I had been dwelling my extra time for the past few months in AIESEC activities. Cara invited me to join A'Day (orientation) a few months ago and since then I had been devoting my spare time to my third (or fourth) organization. Being a CBA based org and me coming from CMC, I find it complicated to go to the events but due to my eagerness I still find time to go.
We had gone to a lot of activities ranging from dinners and seminars to interviews and tarp designs. Holistic growth ei. There are also some new terms that I had learned from AIESEC:
1. Self-Pinduting - the manual slide changing feature of Microsoft Powerpoint
2. Brokeback - Showing actions (with or without gay intentions) of homosexuality. Refers to man to man "bonding moments". No gayness required.
Here are some pictures from AIESEC Culminight celebration last week. It was at Bossing Iara's place in Katips. It was another AIESEC bonding (full of singing, dancing, craziness, the color orange and blue, brokeback-ing, magic sing and EATING).
Also, there were some fireworks display in lieu with the AIESEC party. hehe.

Anyway, I just got home from our final interview in AIESEC. It was not the usual CMC INTERVIEWS that I had gone through. Hehe. I hope I can pass my application.
Truly enjoyed the application process and I (and my co-apps) am looking forward in fulfilling the AIESEC experience.